The Power Of Obedience
The Power of Obedience is a story of a simple girl with simple faith and an amazing God who loves her very much.
In this autobiography, Ruth shares her life to the world as she takes us on a journey from where it all began - a life changing encounter with the Risen Lord Jesus Christ that set the course of her life. The love of God made her heart yield her best YES as Jesus led her to adventures all over the world and took her to places she has never even imagined.
Be enriched with her stories of faith that are filled with lessons that one can't help but learn. May this book leave you inspired and loving God even more!
The Power Of Obedience

"For years, Ruth has been a constant source of sweet loving encouragement to Heidi and me. Her ministry initiative in Southeast Asia is born out of genuine, fiery zeal that just keep growing, and I know she will continue to be precious firebrand for Jesus wherever she is.I commend her to full-time service in spreading the Gospel, and know that her multiple giftings will bear priceless fruit as the Lord blesses her work and continues to bring life to many
through her."

Rolland Baker
Missionary and Co-Founder of Iris Global Ministries and Rolland and Heidi Baker Ministries
"Ruth is passionate lover of Jesus. All who know her are inspired by her love for God, but also for people. "All she says and writes is for the glory of God. I pray you find
great joy in this book."

Bill Johnson
Senior Leader of Bethel Church,
Redding California
" Jesus is King! Ruth is like my daughter. I love, endorse, bless, and back and her work in the vineyard of our Lord Jesus. She is one of the best Worshipers, Praisers, Christians I know. I love her as my own.

David Hogan
Pastor, Evangelist and Founder Of Freedom Ministries
"My friend Ruth Cube Keijdener is a most amazing leader, entrepreneur, and minister.
She has developed conferences and stadium events in many parts of the world. Miracles follow her.
She believes for GINORMOUS things!
I saw her a few weeks ago and she gave me her book... It will encourage you to stretch your faith and take God at His word."

Kim Maas
Prophet, Pastor, Mentor and Founder Of Kim Maas Ministries