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"The Transformational Love Tour " By Ruth Cube Keijdener

God Spoke to me right after Hope Summit 2023 in April and solidified it after the Oracle Park Leader’s dinner in June with a big major kidney transplant donation to consider for my husband about this Philippine Korea Mission trip.

He told me specifics: Government, Women in the entertainment business, wives of government officials and entrepreneurs for a retreat, kids that are trafficked, education, family, and church leader that needs some of His transformational Love. He also told me 6 people will come with me to the team.

Here is the breakdown:

Manila : (Government)

God being always true to His Word and His commissioning, we were able to pray for the entire MMDA - the police traffic enforcers in the entire metro Manila. All got hit by the LOVE of God, all hearts were moved by His love. Treated them also with donuts and gave them giveaways from BPW and TBN Asia books I was able to organize by the mercy of God a fun fare lunch for the trafficked kids. We did encourage them with the father’s love, fed them, games and lots of good funny memories to combat the fears and shame and pain ( @ Jolibee- a place where kids know it's an extreme treat for them if they go there). Truly creative transformational love of God Right after, by the mercy of God, I was able to book a safe place for the women entrepreneurs and businesswomen that are the front liners and elites and no one had dry eyes in that room. All hearts encountered the love of God and completely transformed. They gave their testimonies and there was unity and love in the room. I have my manila team and they were great .


The day we landed in Iloilo, we had worship and dinner with key leaders. Offenses exposed and released, empowerment and sharp prophetic words shared and impacted them all. Almost 800 students from ages 15 -19 including the faculty members were so overwhelmed not anymore by fears, guilt, shame, and any other torment instead, the love of God wrecked them all and their hearts experienced a new love that changed the entire trajectory of their future in Jesus name. They were brave to stand up and expose tormenting lies and we were able to pray for all of them. Tears of victory were evident. The next morning, by the grace of God, He gave me a strategy to reach people from the mall by launching my 2nd book . We were able to pray for the people working at the mall and I was able to worship at the entire mall that morning, vice mayor with his team and many other people did not even want to leave because of the thick presence of God. I have my Iloilo Team and they were great.


I got so sick on our way to this next place. So sick I was laying on the floor of the airport and slept throughout the day and night while traveling full-on, miraculously, the morning of when we had to go to the prison to be with the inmates and do our first ministry, I was up and about. I led them to worship, fed them, and prayed for them. So many smiles and refreshed hearts. We loved them very well.

In the evening, almost 100 leaders from different towns, a 6-8 hours drive came and dine with us. I led the prophetic worship and preached, Holy Spirit was so tangible and the Word was spoken and received. We loved on them with prophetic words, they all left renewed, revitalized in their hearts, and reminded of their authority.

The next day, we went to a radio station, short but sweet. Many people came in the evening of our crusade because they heard us on the radio. That evening, there was a stage in the middle of the city, and our voices could be heard the entire night, I was leading the worship with the local band, singing prophetically while evangelizing. So many healings, emotional, spiritual, and physical. My team Dumaguete was amazing.

Now to Korea ...


New Country this time. We arrived in the middle of the night and got to the hotel early morning around 2 am. A few hours of sleep did not stop me/us from having a Holy Spirit Party. Although I was not sure what God’s direction was, prophetic worship continually guided me . That morning, mourning and grief were defeated. Revival was allowed to come to that church. Even the hardest of hearts are softened by the embrace of the Father. What a joy to see smiling faces because of the freedom they received.


We drove early the next morning to move to another location. God never ceases to amaze me with how creative He is in how He will touch and transform a heart. Morning, afternoon, and night, we had services and the number kept growing because the sweet Holy Spirit was so tangible and the congregation just could not deny His presence as we worshiped and God delivered His Words with such tough , freeing love. It was two full days of awakenings, repentance, revivals, and a sweet Holy Spirit Party. We ended up rejoicing through laughter and lots of dancing like the book of Acts .

Wow! What a delight and honor to work with the Lord !

This good report you are receiving because you either prayed for us or gave an amount to help spread this Transformational Love of God. You’re a part of these harvests. It surely was a hefty one!!!!

I am humbled by your trust and I am in awe of God even more. He is truly beyond words in His love and kindness toward all of us is irreplaceable.

My other schedule :

New Zealand - April 23rd til May 3rd.

Manado Indonesia - May 17th - 27 th

Netherlands June 18th - 22nd

Sincerely ,

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